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Work Experience and Work Shadowing

To support students to further develop their employability skills and gain an understanding of professional working environments, and as part of the Careers Programme at JFS, all Year 12 students are expected to undertake compulsory in-person work experience in the Summer Term.

Students are responsible for sourcing and securing their own placements, with the support of their parents. To support the administration progress, JFS use the Unifrog platform to coordinate and have an overview of the whole process.


Students in Year 10 and Year 8 also have an opportunity to complete one or two days of work shadowing in the Summer Term, which enables students at each key stage to gain a better understanding of the careers that they may like to pursue and the qualifications and skills they will need. Student will be able to observe people doing different job roles, and be able to get a feel for the working environment.


Benefits of Work Experience and Work Shadowing:


  • Develop Practical Skills - During work experience and work shadowing students will have the opportunity to develop their hands-on skills. From problem solving to time management, they will learn how to apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios

  • Gain Industry Insights - Work experience and work shadowing gives students a unique opportunity to gain insight into job roles that pique their interest. They will see the day-to-day operations, challenges, and opportunities, allowing they to make well informed decisions about theit own 





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