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Exam Results 

Summer 2024


Our provisional A-level APS is 45.3 which is slightly down from last year’s 47.0 but holding up well given the concerns we had of a weaker cohort. We will complete a progress calculation tomorrow which should give us a better relative comparison. Part of the reduction is also due to the final readjustment to pre-Covid distributions with an expectation that 25.4% of grades nationally will be A*-A versus 27.2% of entries last Summer.


At GCSE, congratulations to all the students at JFS for an excellent exam performance. 95% of students have passed both English and Mathematics, and at 48%, nearly half of all grades were a ‘Grade 7’ or above. 30% of all grades were a ‘Grade 8’ or above and I am extremely proud of all the effort that students, parents and teachers alike have put in. To have 83% of all grades a ‘5’ or higher is a fantastic achievement.


Special congratulations go to Jacob Stadler, Zac Simmons, Leah Baron, Libby Frenkel, Zac Lightman, Zachary Schneider, Dani Nissim, Harry Jager and Talia Jaffe all of whom achieved eight or more Grade 9s.


Having joined the community just a few years ago, the focus that families place on education is incredible and it is great to see all Jewish schools doing so well. Well done to everyone!


Summer 2023


The GCSE and A-level results of 2023 at JFS are a testament to the incredible hard work of all our students, staff and the families that support them. JFS continues to be one of the very best non-selective schools in the entire country and has recorded substantial increases against the last set of national data published in 2019.


At GCES, our Progress 8 score has increased from +0.89 to +1.20, a score which places us within the top 30 schools nationally. In addition, our Attainment 8 score of 65.3 places us with the top 50 schools nationally, as does the fact that 88 percent of student achieve a Grade ‘5’ of above in GCSE English and Mathematics. With an average EBacc points score of 5.84, we are well above the national average of 4.27 and the Brent average of 4.87. In a fantastic effort from our students, 21% of all grades at GCSE were a ‘Grade 9’ and 62% of all grades were 9-7.


At A-level, 60% of grades were A*-A and 26% of grades were A*. 88% of all grades were ‘B’ or above and fifteen students achieved straight ‘A*’s! All students with offers from Oxbridge were successful and over half of all Sixth Form students have secured a place at a Russell Group University. It is an incredible achievement and one of which all those involved should be hugely proud! BTEC grades were equally strong and with an Average Points Score of 47.0 across the Sixth Form, the average grade at JFS is an ‘A’.


Congratulations to every single Year 11 and Year 13. With an A-level retention rate of 96% and 77% of Year 11 students choosing JFS for Sixth Form, we are proud to be a constant in the lives of those families who have entrusted their children’s education to us.

President: Lord Michael Levy

Chair of Governors: Mr Mark Hurst

Headteacher: Dr David Moody

JFS School

The Mall





Tel: 020 8206 3100

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