Safeguarding Team
Below, you will find the details for contacting our Safeguarding Team.
JFS Safeguarding Team:
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss Gita Patel
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Years 7 and 8 - Ms Aaminah Hassam
Years 9 to Year 11 - Ms Charlotte Rigby and Mrs Georgina Tully
Years 12 and 13 - Ms Rivka Benarroch
The contact details for the Safeguarding Leads are: and the school's contact number is 020 8206 3100.​
Safeguarding Officers:
Year 7 – Vacant
Year 8 – Mrs Gorasia (
Year 9 – Mrs Gorasia and Ms Parmar ( and
Year 10 – Ms Parmar (
Year 11 – Miss Watson (
Year 12 – Mrs Angel (
Year 13 – Mrs Angel (
Support Beyond the School
If you have any safeguarding concerns but do not feel comfortable speaking to the school in the first instance, there are other ways to seek help:
For adults: Contact the NSPCC Helpline at 0808 800 5000 or visit for advice and support.
For children and young people: Call Childline at 0800 1111 or visit to chat online with a counsellor.
If someone is in immediate danger: Call 999 for the police.
If a young person needs help removing an explicit image or video of themselves online, they can use the ‘Report Remove’ tool through Childline and the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)