Transition from Primary School to JFS

Welcome to JFS

It is an absolute pleasure to welcome your child. We are extremely delighted that your child will be joining our school for the next chapter in their school life. For a smooth transition to JFS, all of the key information you need as parents before your child starts at JFS will be uploaded to this website for easy access. Please keep visiting this website for updated content.


Important Dates

  • Tuesday 3th September 2024           Year 7 & Year 12 Induction Day
  • Wednesday 4th September 2024    Whole School starts at 8.30 am

Parents evening held on 11th July 2024- NEW!

Please click HERE to view the recording.

Additional JS lessons over and above their timetables JS lessons – NEW!

We are excited to offer you the opportunity for your child to participate in two additional JS lessons over and above their timetables JS lessons.  These lessons are designed to provide an enriched learning experience, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Mishna studies.

Currently, Year 7s are taught Ivrit and then choose either French or Spanish.  These additional JS lessons will take place in one of the language options.  This means that your child will learn one language in Year 7, not two.

Please CLICK HERE to complete the form indicating if your child would like to attend these additional JS lessons and which language your child would NOT want to learn.  Please submit this form by Thursday 15th August.

If you have questions, please contact us via Freshdesk, selecting ‘Jewish Life and Learning’ as the category.

Best wishes

Mrs A Keene                                                                      Rabbi D Baigel
Assistant Head Teacher                                                Assistant Head Teacher
Director of Jewish Life and Learning                        Director of Jewish Learning

Parent Pay Login

ParentPay login details have been emailed to the parent who made the intial eadmissions application. Request you to activate your accounts in order to purchase the below listed items for your child for September 2024.

Items to be purchased/ booked:

  • Calender Birthday – 2024-2025: If you would like to celebrate a family / child birthday please submit your request before the 14th July 2024, for further information please click HERE
  • Yondr Pouches: All students must have a Yondr pouch for their phone if they want to bring their mobile phones to school. The pouch will be handed over to your child on the 3rd September.
  • School Locker: If your child prefers to use a locker at school please book the locker, last date to book a locker is 15/08/2024 .
  • Year 7 Science books: In the science department, we use the CGP Key Stage 3 Science revision guide and workbooks to add and consolidate the content taught at school, and so we ask all parents to purchase these books. The workbook in particular will be used for homework, so is essential along with the revision guide. Whilst you are welcome to buy your own, we are able to offer these books at a reduced price via Parent Pay. There is an option to buy the books as a bundle or separately, should you have one already.  If there are any issues with payments please contact the science department in September. – NEW !


Important Transition forms to complete for your child !

1)Student & Family Confidential Information Form  – Click HERE to complete the form.

To be able to support each child reach their full potential, we will need to understand their individual needs. Please note that this is a very detailed form that needs to be completed in its entirety. Unfortunately, you are not able to complete it in stages.  Therefore, I would recommend that you have the following information available to hand before you start the form:

  • Your child’s details (as per the original application form)
  • Parent and emergency contact details
  • Medical and allergy information, including GP’s details
  • Any special educational needs
  • Safeguarding information
  • Information regarding any financial difficulties

2) Parental Consents & Agreements – Click HERE to complete the form.

Consent for GDPR, Photo & Video, Home School Agreement & E-Safety Policy. Please click HERE to view JFS school policies.

3) Subject Choices – Jewish Studies & Modern Foreign Language – Click HERE to complete the form. Please click HERE for information on Iyun Track

Complete the form to indicate your preferences.

Summer Sparx Maths Transition work-NEW!

Please click here to access the document



Transition Documents & School Information

Parents are expected to purchase the items marked with an * as mandatory items from the uniform vendor, the rest of the items can be purchased from any supplier. Please refer to the uniform list for the items.- NEW!

Parent logins to school systems, the login credentials will be emailed to parents before September 2024.

ParentPay : ParentPay is an online payment portal that enables parents to pay for school trips, after-school clubs and school meals. At JFS we use this service for food related payments to Caterlink. The link has been emailed to the parent email who had made the initial eadmsisions application with the local authorities.

Arbor : Arbor gives parents access to view attendance/behaviour information regarding their child and update their child’s records if there is a change in home address, telephone number or email address.

Satchel One: Satchel One is an online portal whereby teachers can assign homework for the students to do from home. Parents can also access this to monitor their child’s homework.