Formal Jewish Studies
The Jewish Education Department seeks to
- Give the students a positive view and experience of Judaism and Israel
- Improve their knowledge and confidence in their heritage and Jewish Identity and
- Ensure examination success
Formal Jewish Studies engages students in lively debate on moral issues and dilemmas that are relevant in today’s world. We use the Jewish texts as a springboard to inspire and challenge. Students are encouraged to enhance their connection to their Jewish heritage and to develop a personal relationship with Judaism. Through this progression students develop an appreciation and thirst for increased knowledge and have the opportunity to expand this through our Informal Jewish Education provision.
Iyun Programme
Upon joining JFS all students have the option to join our Jewish Studies Iyun Programme. This provides those with experience of, or a desire for, a deeper practical knowledge of Judaism, the time and opportunity for close study of Mishnah and Gemarah and associated skill development.
Students opt-out of regular Jewish studies lessons and have a tailor made curriculum which develops their skill set and enhances their knowledge.
In addition, as part of the Extended Services provision, students are given the opportunity to join the J-Plus programme which offers participants the opportunity to take part in a range of educational activities that will enhance their Jewish identity and Jewish journey.