PSHCE (including RSE) Curriculum at JFS – Currently under review
The intent of the PSHCE curriculum focuses on providing a holistic education that reflects the aims and aspirations of the school for our students as enshrined in the school’s vision, values and ideals outlined below.
The focus of the curriculum is to enable our students to manage their teenage years safely and responsibly as well as prepare them for a future of informed and responsible decision making and ensuring our students are nurtured and given the tools, knowledge and opportunity to develop their own unique, positive character.
The whole school curriculum and framework is underpinned by the strong Jewish ethos, vision and values of the school.
Our Vision:
JFS is a co-educational inclusive, modern orthodox Jewish school that strives to produce well educated faithful and proud Jews who will be responsible and contributing members of society.
Our Values
Our school motto of Orah Viykar – Light and Honour reflects our expectation that students become equipped for a life both in the Jewish community and Modern Britain.
We educate our students to bring Light and Honour to the world around them and develop an ethos of responsibility and giving.
AT JFS we believe that an ethos of responsibility and giving will be the platform upon which to achieve wellbeing, success and happiness in the world.
Our Ideals
To be dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and excellence
To be independent learnings, willing to question and engage in thoughtful debate
To be respectful, reflective and resilient
To be engaged spiritually with Judaism, be proficient and active in practice and skilled in the study of Torah and traditional Jewish texts
To be proud and involved in Jewish culture, history, identity and community
To be committed to the State of Israel and learn Hebrew as part of Jewish Heritage
To be responsible and care for all humankind as loyal citizens of the United Kingdom
The curriculum focuses on the five main elements of RSE and aims overtime to reach beyond statutory requirements.
British Values and Preparation for Life in Britain
Wherever possible, the curriculum at JFS aims to teach the British values of tolerance, mutual respect, democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty. Further information on this can be found in the document British Values Statement. Beyond timetabled lessons, students are given many opportunities to develop the appropriate skills and attitudes needed to make a valuable contribution to society, both now and in the future. An additional intent of the British Values Educational programme is to ensure that students understand that such values align with the Jewish ethos of JFS. It aims to support and encourage strong Jewish and wider communal engagement in their future lives.
Relationships and Sex Education
All students study age-appropriate RSE in accordance with the statutory requirements across all Key Stages.
British Values
British values are taught implicitly within the formal curriculum alongside explicit PSCHE provision.
A complete subject audit identifies where British values are taught implicitly across the curriculum.
The pastoral programme also involves elements of British values education; including bullying, conflict resolution, multi faith education and diversity.
Different events in the calendar are linked to British values such as Black History month, anti-bullying week and Holocaust Memorial Day, mock elections and student leader hustings.
The Jewish Informal Education Programme team (JiEP) run many programmes that encourage development of British values. For example, working with GIFT, volunteer programmes, Israel society and others.
Different topics within the Jewish Studies curriculum are enhanced by their link to British values. Guest speakers and events are themed around related topics such as conflict, the need for respect for other faiths, respect and understanding for others who live differently.
The Pause for Thought daily podcast initiative is another vehicle for British values learning. Topics reflect aspects of British Values including interfaith week where staff spoke about their different faiths, one week on democracy and voting, diversity, and numerous other weeks of topics linked to the 5 British values.
The impact of PSHCE and RSE curricula are measured through assessments, sessional evaluation forms, student surveys and student focus groups.
The particular nature of these subjects are also measured in more qualitative ways including but not limited to:
- Participation in school events
- Participation in extra-curricular activities
- Success in non-examination internal and external opportunities (e.g. DofE, Maths Challenge, Young Enterprise, Music for Youth etc)
- Wider contribution to the school
- Wider contribution to the community
Jigsaw 11 – 16 and the PSHE Association PoS Map
Jigsaw 11 – 16 Map to Statutory RSHE Outcomes