Mental Health & Wellbeing
If you have a concern about a student or family at JFS email:
Any student who needs to make a disclosure, but still feels that they cannot approach our safeguarding leads, can access help through the free NSPCC hotline established specifically to support students of who have experienced sexual abuse in educational settings.
Telephone: 0800 136 663. The line is open: Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 10.00 pm (including bank holidays) and Weekends 8.00 am to 6.00 pm.
Mental Health – “is a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” – World Health Organisation
JFS is committed to a whole-school approach to wellbeing for students, staff, and parents; encouraging a wellbeing culture and awareness that is weaved throughout the fabric of the school.
We support our students to build their resilience and to develop a strong sense of positive wellbeing and we ensure students know who to turn to when in need of support – whether they are having a tough day, going through a crisis, or generally feeling unable to cope.
We are committed to teaching and imparting tools that empower our young people to support themselves and their wellbeing. This is done through groups, assemblies, our tutor time programme, PSHCE lessons, external workshops and through our 1:1 Counselling service.
Additionally, we have a large number of qualified Mental Health First Aiders in Year 12 who act as Peer Mentors and offer advice support and guidance to younger students. Each year group also has a dedicated Pastoral Team and team of form tutors and we work closely with our colleagues in the SEND department where necessary. Vulnerable students are able to access our supervised Safe Space where they can sit quietly to do their work or simply to take some time for themselves before re-joining lessons.
The teenage years are both exciting and challenging for students, parents and carers. It can be hard to know whether a teenager’s feelings and behaviour are normal or becoming a problem but we are here to support you every step of the way.
For more information please contact:
Nicki Cohen – Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead
Support Available
Suggested support services, available for advice and help, during these particularly challenging times:
- Charlie Waller – Support students and parents looking after their mental health
- Shout – Crisis helpline and text service.
- Kooth – Online counselling service.
- ChildLine – confidential support telephone service. 0800 1111
- No Panic – Support for anxiety disorders, panic attacks, phobias and OCD. Tel; 0330 606 1174
- Young Minds – Website offering support and resources to young people and parents.
- The Mix – Online/telephone counselling support for young people. 0808 808 4994. TEXT: 85258.
- Jami – Provides practical and emotional support for the mental health of the Jewish community.
- Samaritans – a 24hour service supporting people going through any difficulties. Free Tel: 116 123
- Jteen Support – completely confidential and anonymous text-based helpline Text: 07860 058 823
- Check out and follow the JFS Instagram page – @jfs_wellbeing
Additional Support Available: Support Lines Directory Jewish Community And Wider Voluntary Sector