British Values at JFS
At JFS we understand and promote the importance of British Values in all of our subjects and ethos. Students are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance.
The provision of British Values will enable students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence, whilst developing respect and a sense of harmony between different cultural traditions.
As a school overall we embrace British values in the following ways;
– Positive behaviour to and from school is reinforced through assemblies and by SLT presence at the bus stops every day
Acceptance and engagement with fundamental British Values of democracy
We actively promote the fundamental British Values of democracy through:
– Mock elections and hustings
– School council elections
– Charity committee
– Student officer elections
– Elections for the Head Boy and Girl including campaigning and hustings
– Politics society
– Model UN
This is actively promoted in RE and English but also in many other subjects.
– Student newspaper
– Through the study of RE, PSHE and the assembly programme
Respect for those with different beliefs, faith and cultures
– Social action for national charities such as the homeless, refugees and NHS workers
– Within other subjects such as English, RE and History
Students actively contribute positively through: