Author: Dov Smith (Dov Smith)

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Year 8 Girls Football

Year 8 Girls Football

This week the Year 8 Girls Football team competed in the Semi-finals and Finals of Brent Girls Football at the Capital City Academy. The semi-final was against CJMLC School. The game was uneventful and the final score was 0-0. This led the game into three minutes of extra time with, once again, no goals scored...

Visibility For Disability Week

Visibility For Disability Week

Following the success of ‘Visibility for Disability’ last year, JFS has hosted another full week of events focussed on promoting disability awareness and inclusion. The week was dedicated to Hellen Keller (Born in Alabama in 1880, a childhood illness left her both deaf and blind by the age of two. Despite this, she went on...

The Great JFS Hametz Hunt

The Great JFS Hametz Hunt

In the lead up to Pesach, JFS is launching ‘The Great JFS Hametz Hunt!’ Your Mission: To find one or more of the TEN Hametz characters around the school and bring it to your JS teacher / member of the JS department / JiEP. Each character found will win you a prize, ranging from achievement...

Visit to CERN

Visit to CERN

The Year 13 physicists from JFS enjoyed a visit to CERN recently, accompanied by Mr Davey and Miss Lerner.  Based in Geneva, CERN is the largest and most advanced scientific research facility in the world where several Nobel Prize winning discoveries have been made, with a notable recent example being the Higgs’ boson.  This was...

Year 9 Yom Iyun

Year 9 Yom Iyun

Students in Year 9 took part in our second Yom Iyun for this year that was dedicated to the memory of a beloved teacher of Torah, Issy Reich. Rabbi Shimon Buckman, an alumnus of JFS, again prepared the learning material. Facilitators from the Jewish Studies Department, Jiep and three volunteer Sixth Form students (Daniel Ross,...

Purim At JFS

Purim At JFS

Purim at JFS is always a magnificent event at JFS and this year was no exception! A day filled with fun activities, excitement, camaraderie and drama. Students and staff alike joined in the activities and dressed up for the occasion.  Students in all year groups heard the Megilla first thing and there was even our...

Mosque Solidarity Visit

Mosque Solidarity Visit

A small group of students from Year 12 represented JFS at a memorial event at the Regents Park Mosque and Islamic centre to show solidarity with the Muslim community, following the tragic events in Christchurch New Zealand last Friday. We encourage you to share this video via social media to help promote a message of tolerance and respect.

Celebrating Science at JFS

Celebrating Science at JFS

Last week was Science Week for the whole of the UK and as usual the Science Department, together with some Year 13 students, ensured JFS was a part of it. Ariel Flint-Ashery, Rafi Levy, Maya Robinson, Ruth Davis, Ben Magrill, Abigail Gibson, Elliot Berke, Yuval Ben-Arzi, Emma Taylor, Celine Fisher,  Nadav Grunberg, Omri Porat, Joshua...