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Visit to CERN

Visit to CERN

The Year 13 physicists from JFS enjoyed a visit to CERN recently, accompanied by Mr Davey and Miss Lerner.  Based in Geneva, CERN is the largest and most advanced scientific research facility in the world where several Nobel Prize winning discoveries have been made, with a notable recent example being the Higgs’ boson.  This was...

Year 9 Yom Iyun

Year 9 Yom Iyun

Students in Year 9 took part in our second Yom Iyun for this year that was dedicated to the memory of a beloved teacher of Torah, Issy Reich. Rabbi Shimon Buckman, an alumnus of JFS, again prepared the learning material. Facilitators from the Jewish Studies Department, Jiep and three volunteer Sixth Form students (Daniel Ross,...

Purim At JFS

Purim At JFS

Purim at JFS is always a magnificent event at JFS and this year was no exception! A day filled with fun activities, excitement, camaraderie and drama. Students and staff alike joined in the activities and dressed up for the occasion.  Students in all year groups heard the Megilla first thing and there was even our...

Mosque Solidarity Visit

Mosque Solidarity Visit

A small group of students from Year 12 represented JFS at a memorial event at the Regents Park Mosque and Islamic centre to show solidarity with the Muslim community, following the tragic events in Christchurch New Zealand last Friday. We encourage you to share this video via social media to help promote a message of tolerance and respect.

Celebrating Science at JFS

Celebrating Science at JFS

Last week was Science Week for the whole of the UK and as usual the Science Department, together with some Year 13 students, ensured JFS was a part of it. Ariel Flint-Ashery, Rafi Levy, Maya Robinson, Ruth Davis, Ben Magrill, Abigail Gibson, Elliot Berke, Yuval Ben-Arzi, Emma Taylor, Celine Fisher,  Nadav Grunberg, Omri Porat, Joshua...

Lord Levy Address

Lord Levy Address

Our school President, The Lord Levy, visited JFS last week for his traditional annual talk to the outgoing Year 13 students in a special assembly. Having shared some anecdotes of his life experiences, Lord Levy encouraged students to ask questions. The students asked some insightful questions about political colleagues as well as topical current news...

Giving Is Receiving

Giving Is Receiving

Y13 students enjoyed a wonderful Jewish Studies lesson this week led by their teachers, University Jewish Chaplaincy, Tribe and US Chesed. In the lead up to Purim next week, the students enthusiastically made over 500 Hamantashen and 220 Mishlochei Manot to donate to Chai Cancer for distribution. The sense of camaraderie and fun was palpable,...

Reduced Jewish History

Reduced Jewish History

Years 7 and 9 students were treated to performances of ‘The Reduced Jewish History Project’ this week, an original concept devised by Mr Rinkoff, Head of faculty for Jewish Education. This is a cross-curricular event between the Jewish Education and Drama departments featuring the Year 10 Drama students ably lead and directed by Mrs Sloane,...

Visiting Professor

Visiting Professor

We were honoured to have Professor David Latchman visit the Science Department this week to deliver two wonderful and most engaging lectures on DNA, to our Sixth Form students, as part of Science Week. David Latchman CBE is a British geneticist and university administrator. Since 2003 he has been Master of Birkbeck, University of London,...