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A Special Experience

A Special Experience

What happens when a Mezuzah is missing from a doorpost at school? This happened recently to the Year 7 Pastoral Office and Mrs Lerner had students on hand for a special ceremony. Rina in Year 7 describes the event: “Together with four other students, I helped put up a Mezuzah for the Year 7 Office....

Holocaust Memorial Day Choir Event

Holocaust Memorial Day Choir Event

JFS Singers were delighted to once again perform at the annual Brent Holocaust Memorial Day event at the Brent Civic Centre. The choir performed a moving version of ‘Makh Tsu Di Eygelech’ (Close your eyes) a tango-lullaby composed by Isaiah Shpigl for the ghetto theatre, and performed in the Lodz ghetto by the singer Ella...

Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day

Our annual Brent Interschool’s Conference for Holocaust Memorial Day took place at JFS this week. Following an introductory welcome from the Headteacher Mrs Fink, students from Alperton Community School, Newman Catholic College, Kingsbury High School, Queens Park Community School and The Crest Academy as well as JFS, heard from survivor, Renee Salt. Mrs Salt recalled...

Tu B’Shvat Celebrations

Tu B’Shvat Celebrations

Tu B’Shvat at JFS is always a delight! As part of their Jewish Studies lessons, Year 7 students learned all about fruits, including the seven kinds of fruit that the land of Israel is blessed with, together with their symbolism. They then enjoyed the delicious fruit and grape juice in celebration of the day. During...

A Shared Responsibility

A Shared Responsibility

The Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, launched his Social Responsibility Week and shared it with our students. Following a visit with his wife to India, they were shocked to see the high level of poverty and the resulting disease and morbidity rate. This sparked the idea, for our communities to take an active role in bettering...

Business Talent Show

Business Talent Show

As part of their course, a group of BTEC Business students organised a student and staff talent show last week, show-casing a large selection of talents.  We had a range of music written and performed by members of staff, students singing beautifully to backing tracks or accompanying piano, stand-up comedy and dance. The atmosphere was...

Tu B’Shvat and Our Environment

Tu B’Shvat and Our Environment

Tu B’Shvat starts on Sunday night and as part of our celebrations at JFS we have virtually ‘planted’ a tree outside the Learning Resources Centre (LRC). With the Chief Rabbi’s Social responsibility week last week in mind, students and staff were invited to think of a way that they can help the environment and write...

JFS Graduation Ceremony

JFS Graduation Ceremony

The Main Hall was abuzz with excitement as family members came to celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2018 Graduates of JFS School. Our President, Lord Levy, introduced our guest speaker, Radio Presenter and Broadcaster Mr Nick Ferrari, who also made the presentations together with our Headteacher, Mrs Rachel Fink. All students received a...

Introduction to Jazz

Introduction to Jazz

Selected instrumental music students from Years 7 – 13 were treated to a Jazz workshop with the National Youth Jazz Orchestra of Great Britain (NYJO). The workshop was led by artistic director Mark Armstrong as well as five NYJO Ambassadors also attending. Students were taught the basics of jazz music, whilst also focusing on areas...

Grandparents Tour and Tea

Grandparents Tour and Tea

This week we welcomed another 100 grandparents through our doors. They were treated to a personal tour round the school with their grandchildren, followed by tea, doughnuts and musical entertainment. This is the 6th termly Grandparents event JFS has hosted and a great time was had by all. We will be opening our doors to...