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Jonah hits the mark

Jonah hits the mark

Y7 Student Jonah Marks has challenged himself to bike/run/swim 1000km this year to raise money for the charity World Bicycle Relief.  He has nearly completed 75% of his target having cycled 631km, run 84km and swam 8km so far. The charity provides bikes to schoolgirls, nurses and rural entrepreneurs to help break the cycle of...

Beat the clock champions

Beat the clock champions

27 Year 7 students went up to King David School, Manchester to take part in an annual Jewish knowledge inter-school competition. In preparation for this event, these students gave up several lunchtimes over the course of this term to attend preparatory sessions with Jewish Studies teachers to cram for the competition. We had three teams...

JFS Scholars

JFS Scholars

The best kind of learning encourages curiosity. Each of our Scholars has devised their own set of questions to explore; based on topics they find to be interesting and relevant. Our Scholars journal is a feat of achievement of our most dedicated and talented of students and we are delighted to present to you their...

Rosh Hashanah Card Competition

Rosh Hashanah Card Competition

New Year 7 students to design the front of the JFS Rosh Hashanah card. The cards will be sent to all our community partners with our good wishes for the New Year and with credit to the winning designer on the card. The prize will be a ‘Pizza lunch’ for the designer and 10 of...