Celebrating an Incredible Term of Learning

Celebrating an Incredible Term of Learning

What an incredible term of Torah learning we have had at JFS’s morning Bet Midrash! We have hosted several incredible visiting speakers, who have provided our students with exciting, thought provoking and insightful Torah thoughts. From the importance of not sleeping your way through life, to working out what Hashem is calling on each of us to do, and on to seeing how we can sanctify every single part of our lives, these are the values that we hope to instil in all of our students. All of this on top of the dedicated daily learning of halacha. We ended the term this morning with a celebratory Siyum.

A special mention to Meital Cohen who was awarded a special prize spoon by Mrs Keene for dedicated service to the Minyan, breakfast and the Bet Midrash!

With tremendous thanks to Rabbi Danny Baigel (Jewish Career Pathways Director at LSJS), Rabbi Dr Daniel Rose (Director of Educational Projects at Koren Publishers, Jerusalem), Rabbi Josh Harris (Kinloss United Synagogue) and Ben Rothstein.