Year 7 student, Mimi Selig, has recently been involved in a project called ‘Fashioning Our History’, funded by the Brent 2020 Culture Fund. This is part of the Brent 2020, London Borough of Culture programme, with sponsorship from the Mayor of London.
Participants explored the rich history and culture within Brent and their own personal history. During the recent lockdown, they attended a series of online art and fashion workshops along with talks. Their final work is being displayed at Willesden Green Library and will be inaugurated into the Brent Museum archive.
It has been a fascinating journey for Mimi and despite being the youngest participant, she has learned a huge amount and researched her own unique family history, her family tree and looking at where all of her ancestors came from and how their Jewish traditions and experiences have influenced her life and that of her family. She intersected this with her Brent identity as she not only lives in Brent but of course goes to school in Brent too. Mimi focussed on textiles, using her skills from various workshops she attended with high profile designers, illustrators and artists.
The work will be exhibited from 28th May – 21st June 2021 at Willesden Green Library.
You can follow the project on social media and online here:
Website: Instagram: @foh.brent Facebook: