Year 12 Poland Visit 2018
Dear Parent(s)
We are pleased to inform you that there are still places available for the above visit. Students in Year 12 at JFS have the wonderful opportunity to visit Poland during their first term of Sixth Form. Attending the visit to Poland is often a formative experience in many students’ lives and provides each individual with an opportunity to explore their relationship with their Jewish heritage. The visit provides a remarkable insight into a person’s perspective on life. Furthermore, feedback from students who have travelled with JFS to Poland over the last twenty years have told us, that far from being a depressing experience, the Year 12 visit to Poland is often seen as an uplifting experience and a social highlight in a student’s school career.
Following on from the tremendously successful trip last year which saw over 180 Year 12 students attend the visit, we are hoping to have a similar number of students this year. With that in mind we are re-launching this tour and able to offer more places at a slightly increased cost. There will be four group visits taking place during the Autumn Term, running simultaneously over the course of six days. However the dates will differ slightly between the groups.
The cost for the visit will now be £799. JFS may be able to award bursaries where there is a serious financial need. The school, however, has only limited funds and decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
Jewish Studies teachers/JiEP Informal Educators from JFS together with JRoots will facilitate the trip. JRoots have extensive experience running educational trips to Eastern Europe and have worked with JFS on such visits for a number of years. The groups will be joined by educators from Aish and Chazak who have successfully accompanied previous trips.
We plan to run two visits, one day apart, with four groups. Students will be advised of their group prior to departure. Students may not change groups once they have been allocated.
If you are willing for your child to go on this visit, complete the registration form at the bottom of this letter.Once you have registered, please click here to complete the Medical Form by Thursday 20 September 2018. By doing so you are agreeing to the following (please read the details about the Medical Form carefully):
- I have submitted a Medical Form for my child and the details are unchanged.
- My child has not, to my knowledge, been in contact with any contagious or infectious diseases or suffered from anything in the last four weeks that may be or may become contagious or infectious.
- I shall liaise with the Finance Department if I am unable to meet the cost.
- I understand the arrangements and accept, as a parent, my responsibility in ensuring that my child complies with them.
The full payment of £799 is due by Thursday 20 September 2018, either by cheque or direct to our bank account.
Account No: 94501351 Sort Code: 60-04-24 quoting your child’s name and Poland 18 as the reference.
Families in serious financial need should please contact to ask for a ‘Request for Financial Assistance’ form. This must be requested at the same time as completing the online registration form. The Financial Assistance form must be completed and returned to the School for the attention of Mr Peston by Thursday 20 September 2018.
Please note that the School does not provide insurance for baggage and personal effects and parents are strongly advised to arrange for their own insurance in this regard. The School cannot accept responsibility for insurance claims relating to personal effects or baggage.
We also strongly advise that you take out your own holiday cancellation insurance.
In addition it is recommended that students obtain an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) which replaces the old E111.
Please note that student details will be shared with JRoots who are facilitating the visit.
Please read the attached Terms & Conditions carefully.
Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me in the first instance.
Yours sincerely
Lauren Rosettenstein
Head of Jewish Informal Education (JiEP)