Special Educational Needs
The aim of SEND provision at JFS is to provide all students with access to a broad and balanced curriculum that meets their individual needs. We aim to ensure that all students are able to achieve their full potential and develop their self-confidence, independence and resilience to give them the best opportunities for success in the future.
At JFS, we offer support for students with difficulties across the four areas of needs:
1. Cognition and Learning
2. Communication and Interaction
3. Social, Emotional and Mental Health
4. Physical and/or Sensory Needs
We are committed to the principle of integration and work to ensure all students are able to access their learning in the mainstream classroom as much as possible.
The Inclusion department has three dedicated classrooms for group work and individual teaching sessions.
The department also contains the Hub – a safe withdrawal space for students who need to take some quiet time during the day. The Hub is run by Miss Parmar who is available to support these students throughout the school day.
At JFS, we follow the graduated approach to meeting students’ needs in accordance with the SEN Code of Practice (2014). This involves the implementation of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle:
1. Assess
Where a teacher has concerns that a student may be struggling, they will work alongside the Inclusion team to assess and identify the specific area of difficulty .
2. Plan
Once the student’s need has been identified, a plan is put in place to support the student, considering strategies that the teacher may use in the classroom as well as other interventions that may be available in school.
3. Do
The agreed plan will then be implemented over the course of a term.
4. Review
At the end of the agreed time period, the plan will then be reviewed to determine whether the support in place has been effective and whether the student requires any further intervention.
Parents will be kept informed throughout this process and, where relevant, specialist advice may be sought from external professionals, such as an Educational Psychologist.
In lessons, teachers support students with SEND using a range of strategies as advised by the Inclusion team. This may include the use of visual aids, additional multi-sensory learning resources and offering more individual attention to help the student break down key concepts or tasks to support their understanding. Some students (particularly those with EHCPs) have extra help from a Learning Support Assistant (LSA) in lessons.
In addition to in-class support, the Inclusion department runs a range of small group intervention programmes for students with SEND:
Key Stage 3
In Years 7, 8 and 9, there are literacy and numeracy intervention programmes running from 8:30-9:00am each day. Students with Specific Learning Difficulties such as dyslexia often benefit from these sessions which take place during registration to avoid any disruption to lessons.
Across Key Stage 3, a small group of students with significant learning needs also have access to additional literacy support groups in place of learning one Modern Foreign Language.
Key Stage 4
In Years 10 and 11, students who are unable to access the GCSE curriculum for English and Maths are able to join our Key Stage 4 nurture group and work towards Entry Level and Functional Skills qualifications instead. At this stage, we also offer a Life Skills diploma in place of one optional GCSE where students are unable to manage a full timetable.
All decisions on students joining these groups are made collaboratively between the SENDCo, Head of Year and a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Parents are always consulted before any changes are made.
If you have concerns that your child may have a Special Educational Need, please contact their form tutor, Head of Year or the SENDCo.