Our Approach to Wellbeing

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PERMA is one of the wellbeing frameworks we use at JFS when teaching and raising awareness about wellbeing.

Positive Psychology PERMA model was created by Martin Seligman. The PERMA model is an evidence based universal concrete moral compass and toolbox to support people to flourish and thrive.

The five pillars together result in people experiencing positive wellbeing and developing greater resilience to life’s challenges.

PERMA stands for:

Positive emotions





Positive emotions: These are usually considered as ‘nice to haves’—but research has shown that they are vital to our positive psychological wellbeing. This can include being grateful, discovering what makes you feel good, mindfulness and exercise

Engagement: When we are immersed in particular activities that play to our strengths, we can experience a state called ‘flow’. When we are in flow we perform at our peak and experience less anxiety. This pillar covers the environment we need to create for this to be possible every day.

Relationships: Having positive relationships with a depth of understanding and respect has many benefits in terms of collaboration and having a sense of support.

Meaning: When we can define a purpose in life, we can more easily access positive meaning in every moment.

Accomplishment: Accomplishments are often the small things that we have made significant effort towards, and they boost us in many ways by feeling productive and sense of moving forward.

According to the PERMA model, the five pillars together result in people experiencing positive wellbeing and developing greater resilience to life’s challenges.



What is Wellbeing?

Wellbeing is the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy.  Wellbeing includes our body, mind, and spirit.

How I support:
  • Consult on a whole school approach to wellbeing: Culture, curriculum and calendar of wellbeing awareness events
  • Coaching sessions
  • Positive Interventions with students and teachers
  • Teaching positive psychology and wellbeing through interactive and experiential lessons and workshops
  • Training up students and teachers with wellbeing tools
  • Supporting teachers with positive classroom management and form time activities
  • Being a safe space for students to seeks support
  • Meditation using Non Violent Communication (NVC)
  • What I am bringing acts as more of a prevention to mental health.  The programs I will provide increases many areas of emotional wellbeing.
Topics and Areas Covered in Wellbeing:

An introduction to Positive Psychology and the road map to wellbeing the PERMA model (Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment)

  • Positive approach to exams
  • Exam stress reduction
  • Mindfulness
  • Teen Yoga
  • Self Esteem and confidence building
  • Reframing
  • Kindness and compassion
  • Empathy
  • Leadership
  • Social action
  • Goal Setting
  • Time management
  • Strengths
  • Career coaching
  • Life skills
  • Values
  • Creating a Routine
  • Organisational skills

Useful Documents

Support Services Provision

Sixth Form Health & Wellbeing Guide

Please follow our Instagram account @jfs_wellbeing, where we will be sharing thought provoking and inspirational memes and quotes relating to wellbeing.