This week we said our formal goodbye to our brilliant Year 13 cohort. Throughout the course of the day, they had the opportunity to celebrate with each other, their teachers and form tutors, reminiscing about the last seven years. After their final assembly, there was a barbeque, sunshine and an opportunity to take photos and sign each-others shirts! What was somewhat amusing was seeing them squeeze into their old school uniforms, a last day of school tradition at JFS.
Over the course of the next couple of months, we wish all of the Year 13 students well in their revision and final exams. A reminder that all students will be welcome to come in and use the Sixth Form study room, the Mezzanine and the Learning Resources Centre as revision spaces. However, in the meantime, we wish the year group all the very best. They have been a credit to the school!
A big Thank You to Joshua Cowan in Year 12 took the photos!