Author: Esther Bharier (Esther Bharier)

Home / Esther Bharier
Purim Fun

Purim Fun

Purim at JFS is always a superlative event at JFS and so it was this year! A day filled with fun activities, excitement, camaraderie and drama. Students and staff alike joined in the activities and dressed up for the occasion.  Students in all year groups heard the Megilla first thing and then proceeded to sample...

Moorfields Hospital Trek

Moorfields Hospital Trek

Max Levey in Year 10, together with his parents, recently took part in a 14-mile walk in aid of Moorfields Eye Hospital. This is a charity close to their hearts as they saved Max’s sight when he was a baby (follow the story and donate via this link). It was a long five-hour trek, through...

Layla Sklar – Marathon Runner

Layla Sklar – Marathon Runner

Layla is running her first London Marathon 2020 for Cancer Research UK in memory of her Grandpa Alan who bravely fought Leukaemia for seven years trying every new treatment developed out of new research. She is turning 18 years of age this month and is probably the youngest (or at least one of the youngest)...

Battle of the Bands and More!

Battle of the Bands and More!

The JFS Music Department has had a particularly busy two weeks following a choir workshop with Stephen Glass, a performance at the Regional Festival of Music for Youth where JFS Singers were complemented for their “accomplished and experienced singing”, as well as the 2020 Battle of the Bands. Our winning band this year, Kiwi, for...

Lord Mann Visits JFS

Lord Mann Visits JFS

This week JFS hosted Lord Mann of Holbeck Moor, the Government’s Independent Adviser on Antisemitism. Addressing our Year 12 cohort and select Year 10 and Year 11 students, he spoke about his role as an independent adviser on the dangers of antisemitism both in Great Britain and further afield. He spoke about his work with...

Women’s International Football

Women’s International Football

Congratulations to Macey Bannerman Lloyd in Year 9 who spent Half Term on her first international tour with the England U15 Football Squad in Holland.  The team went unbeaten as they played Dutch Academy and other international sides in preparation for an International Cup competition in Ireland in a few weeks time (pictured on right).

JFS Students Bring Joy

JFS Students Bring Joy

As part of the JFS Sixth Form volunteering programme run by GIFT, Year 13 students and residents at Jewish Care’s Clore Manor home and Sidney Corob House, made ‘get well soon’ cards for the Israeli children’s charity, Save a Children’s Heart, this week. JFS Teacher, Mrs Liora Deal, who accompanied them, said, “You can teach...

Musical Recitals

Musical Recitals

This week saw the return of the annual GCSE / A Level Recital Evening. GCSE, AS and A2 Music students were given the opportunity to perform their solo and ensemble pieces before an intimate gathering of family and friends, whilst performing a range of repertoire from genres such as Rock, Classical and Popular. As well...