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Special Screening at the BFI

Special Screening at the BFI

Year 12 and 13 Film Studies students attended a special screening of the documentary film ‘AMY’ at the BFI Southbank. The film celebrates the life and talents of Amy Winehouse and tackles the issues which contributed to her tragic death. Students were able to gain valuable insights into the creative process behind the film through...

Chief Rabbi Visits JFS

Chief Rabbi Visits JFS

We were incredibly honoured to have the Chief Rabbi come and speak to our Sixth Form students this week. It was an inspiring session where the students had the opportunity to hear about some of the areas in the world the Chief Rabbi has visited and some incredible stories about putting up Mezuzot in these...

Loss and Inspiration

Loss and Inspiration

Iyun students in 9AB had the opportunity to hear Mrs Devorah Kay address them on the topic of the relevance of Israel today. This was an interactive session, where students were engaged with texts from the Torah and other Jewish sources, interweaved with the tragic yet highly moving story of her son Eli Kay who...

Lord Howard Visits JFS

Lord Howard Visits JFS

This week, the Politics Society welcomed another illustrious politician, Lord Michael Howard, former leader of the Conservative Party, to address our Sixth Form students during lunchtime. After his address, our students grilled him on questions as diverse as Brexit, Human Rights and Democracy and gave us all thought-provoking ideas in his responses. He also gave...

StandWithUs Conference at JFS

StandWithUs Conference at JFS

We were delighted to host ‘StandWithUs’ which saw over 200 Sixth Form students from a number of Jewish Schools to educate them about antisemitism and ensure that they are well-placed to provide balanced responses to the polarised views that they may encounter at University. It was a deeply impressive day and our thanks go to...

Edgar Santos Makes JFS Proud

Edgar Santos Makes JFS Proud

Sixth Form JFS student, cadet and ex Head Boy, Edgar Santos has interviewed a 98-year old D-Day veteran as part of a fundraising drive for the Jewish Military Association AJEX. Forming part of the 36-hour campaign for AJEX, Edgar interviewed Mervyn Kersh at the House of Life, Willesden Jewish Cemetery and discussed Mervyn’s time as...

Poland Reflections Competition 2023 – Sponsored by Mr Gabor Lacko

Poland Reflections Competition 2023 – Sponsored by Mr Gabor Lacko

We are delighted to announce that the following students have won monetary prizes in this year’s Poland Reflections Competition: Lucy Manton: A Yellow Star (Poem)               First Prize Nicholas Azulay: The Holocaust Through Lego    Second Prize Yasmine Gurevitz: Retracing Shoes (Poem)        Third Prize All the entries were wonderful and the judges had a...

Lord Kinnock Visits JFS

Lord Kinnock Visits JFS

Our Sixth Form students were extremely fortunate to welcome Lord Kinnock, former leader of the Labour party, to speak to them recently. The turnout was excellent with over 75 students listening attentively to his astute ideas and conversation. He covered a range of topics from Thatcher to Starmer, Social Democracy to the Israel/Palestine debate and...

Mental Health Campaigners

Mental Health Campaigners

This week Years 9, 10 and 11 were fortunate to have an assembly delivered by prolific mental health campaigners and former JFS students, Jonny Benjamin and Joey Kolirin. They each spoke movingly about their own mental health journeys, self-care and the value of speaking out and getting help. We are so grateful to them for...

Improving Interfaith Relations

Improving Interfaith Relations

Year 9 students had a treat this week when JFS was visited by staff from the Woolf Institute, a research faculty that is part of Cambridge University, which works to improve relations between religion and society through education. The ‘Living in Harmony’ workshop was a fascinating and interactive interfaith session put on by the organisation...