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Student Led British-Ukrainian Aid

Student Led British-Ukrainian Aid

Year 10 student, Freddie Silver, together with two of his good friends Jacob Leon and Charlie Rosenberg also in Year 10, have decided to do a charity run for Ukraine and signed up to British – Ukraine aid. All three boys chose to participate in this cause after reading and seeing the atrocities that are...

Jonah Wins the Hillingdon Duathlon

Jonah Wins the Hillingdon Duathlon

Jonah Marks in Year 11 has won the Hillingdon Duathlon. It is a race he has been taking part in since he was 8 years old and a good opener ahead of the British Triathlon Performance Assessment Weekend next week. That will determine whether he has qualified to race at an elite national level for...

CCF Complete Skill at Arms Training

CCF Complete Skill at Arms Training

Last week our first troop of cadets completed three days of Skill at Arms Training, one of the final hurdles towards completing their basic qualification. The cadets trained at ATC Pirbright with experienced army instructors in rifle safety, management, cleaning, maintenance and marksmanship principles, before completing a difficult Weapons Handling Test.  They will soon put...

Getting into the Purim Spirit!

Getting into the Purim Spirit!

The Head boy, Head Girl team took over the Year 12 Purim assembly today to help their year group get into the Purim spirit. They ran a really fun Kahoot game with different challenges including Hamantaschen games, fancy dress competitions and cup stacking.

Rosh Chodesh Adar II Tuck Shop

Rosh Chodesh Adar II Tuck Shop

In honour of Rosh Chodesh Adar II, JIEP and the HBHG Team set up a special tuckshop serving slushies, chocolate and Hamentashen. Over £800 was raised and all proceeds will be going to the Ukraine and to our three Mental Health charities. With music and cheer, the sale got everyone into the Purim spirit!

Packing Mishloach Manot Boxes

Packing Mishloach Manot Boxes

Two Year 9 Jewish Studies classes packed Mishloach Manot boxes for the United Synagogue Chessed programme during class time. These boxes will be distributed to families during Purim and helped students get into the festive spirit

Me And The Track

Me And The Track

This week, 100 students from Years 7-11 thoroughly enjoyed watching a creative and powerful play in Ivrit called Me and the Track, brought to the school by JNF. It was written and performed by Itai Chama, an Israeli swimming champion, who represented Israel in the Beijing Olympic Games. It told the story of a boy...

Lord Mann of Holbeck Moor

Lord Mann of Holbeck Moor

We were honoured to welcome Lord Mann of Holbeck Moor, the government’s anti-Semitism advisor, to speak with our Year 12 students.  He spoke of his intention to banish anti-Semitism from England, and discussed his work with British universities, the English Football League, and the pressures and external challenges to his family. As always, our students...

JFS Israel Club

JFS Israel Club

Students participating in Israel Club at school enjoyed a visit from speakers of Stand With Us. The session was focused on enabling students to distinguish differences between anti-Semitism and valid criticism of the state of Israel.

Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week

This week students participated in a range of activities where they were able to learn about positive wellbeing in tutor base each day. Different days focussed on different topics such as mindfulness, gratitude, self-appreciation, sleep, exercise and productive work. Students had engaging discussions and focussed on what they can personally do for themselves to ensure...