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Year 11 Leavers’ Party

Year 11 Leavers’ Party

It is no secret that the past year has not been easy, yet all of Year 11 had the opportunity to celebrate the end of their time at JFS with a triumphant celebration this week. Students received heartfelt messages from teachers, accompanied by musical performances and messages from their friends that really made this event...

Fashioning Our History

Fashioning Our History

Year 7 student, Mimi Selig, has recently been involved in a project called ‘Fashioning Our History’, funded by the Brent 2020 Culture Fund. This is part of the Brent 2020, London Borough of Culture programme, with sponsorship from the Mayor of London. Participants explored the rich history and culture within Brent and their own personal...

Junior Mathematicians’ Success

Junior Mathematicians’ Success

We congratulate our most gifted Mathematicians in Years 7 and 8 who participated in this year’s Junior Mathematical Challenge which was sat online during the last week of March. Over 50% of our participating students managed to secure a Bronze/Silver/Gold certificate – well done, we are proud of you!

Shavuot With JiEP

Shavuot With JiEP

In the lead up to Shavuot Years 7 – 10 took part in a Yom Iyun in conjunction with JiEP and Jewish Studies. This was a lesson dedicated to learning about the subject of ‘damages’ and its applicability to modern day situations. The session ended with ice-cream treats for everyone in honour of Shavuot. Special...

Who did You Vote For?

Who did You Vote For?

As part of their British values education, students learnt about what the London Mayor does and looked at some of the candidates for this year’s election. Sixth Form Politics students ran their own mock election, under the auspices of Mr Lake, with students campaigning the week before.

JiEP Lag B’Omer Activities

JiEP Lag B’Omer Activities

Years 8 and 9 Iyun classes were in for a culinary treat in celebration of Lag B’Omer this year. Having learned all about the chag, and the significance of the traditional bonfires that are lit by Jews around the world, students decorated delicious ‘bonfire’ cupcakes, amongst other activities.

JFS Science Week 2021

JFS Science Week 2021

This year JFS, once again, celebrated national Science Week, despite the delay due to COVID-19 and our school calendar. Our talented Year 13 students produced a wonderful film that was watched by all students in Years 7 – 13, showing demonstrations and talks covering a wide range of Science topics and themes. In addition, Years...

Jewish Studies With a Twist

Jewish Studies With a Twist

This week Mr Kagan’s Year 7 Jewish Studies class had a virtual lesson together with a school in Cape Town, South Africa. Preparations began a few days in advance, with questions prepared to try and work out the location of the ‘mystery class’.  Everyone was very excited to meet with students of a similar age from across the other side...

Happy Birthday Israel!

Happy Birthday Israel!

Our dynamic JiEP department delivered outstanding programmes in commemoration of Yom Hazikaron and in celebration of Yom Ha’atzmaut this week. One Year 8 student commenting on Yom Ha’atzmaut said, “The atmosphere, the food, the fun, blue and white, Israel, the socialising, it was like a big birthday party!” HAPPY 73rd BIRTHDAY ISRAEL and well done...

Jewish Mathematics

Jewish Mathematics

Students in Mathematics have been using a lesser known formula of Gauss.  Many mathematicians have heard of Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), a mathematical genius who had a significant influence in the fields of Mathematics and Science.  Probably the most famous anecdote about Gauss is that at the age of only seven he took seconds to...