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Prospective Applicants Visit Cambridge University

Prospective Applicants Visit Cambridge University

A group of Year 12 students had the incredible opportunity to visit the University of Cambridge this week. Hosted at Jesus College, prospective applicants had sessions on completing competitive applications, university life and a tour of the college. Students also got to hear from JFS alumni currently studying at Cambridge and had a Q&A session...

Students Help Repair Torah Scroll

Students Help Repair Torah Scroll

Today Rabbi Chalk’s class was joined by Rabbi Zaiden to repair one of the Sifrei Torah in the JFS Synagogue. Students were able to have a hands-on experience sewing up the Torah scroll, and were also able to learn about what constitutes kosher Torah and Mezuzah scrolls.

Gavin Stollar OBE at JFS

Gavin Stollar OBE at JFS

The Politics Society recently welcomed Gavin Stollar OBE to speak about his role as Chair of the Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel. He spoke about his very unorthodox journey into his current role and the important and varied lessons he had learnt along the way. Amongst other things he spoke about his time selling Obama...

Amelie Bowman Kicking her Way to Success

Amelie Bowman Kicking her Way to Success

This week Amelie Bowman in Year 9 played Manchester United, in Manchester, with the JPL Rep team, they also played and won against Tottenham last week. Following the Arsenal three-week trial, Amelie has been asked to stay and train with the under 14s until the end of the season, with more friendly matches over that...

Dean of LSJS at JFS

Dean of LSJS at JFS

The students of our Bet Midrash Programme were incredibly privileged to hear from the Dean of LSJS and one of our own Governors, Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum. In a short talk concerning the order of events in the Torah, Rabbi Zarum inspired our students to look carefully and deeply into the Torah text, and consider...

7 – 1 to Year 7 Footballers

7 – 1 to Year 7 Footballers

The Year 7 Boys Football team put in a fantastic effort in their Brent League match against Newman Catholic College, winning 7-1 with fantastic goals from Ilan Sacker, Brandon Lissner, Jake Glass, Dylan Cohen, Caleb Zwick. This puts them in prime position to progress into the knockout stages.

Special Collaboration

Special Collaboration

Our class of our Year 12 Politics students were lucky to meet and collaborate with a group of Israeli high school students to discuss their respective political systems. Georgie and Sophia B from the class introduced the Israeli students to the UK political system, explaining about our voting system, main political parties and the role...

Photographer to the Stars Visits JFS

Photographer to the Stars Visits JFS

It was a pleasure to have renowned photographer to the stars and film maker Simon Emmett come in for a Q&A session this week, with our Photography and film studies Sixth Form students. Simon gave a real-world account of the photography industry, how it has changed over time and what it is like to work...

Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week is in full flow here at JFS. Year groups have had an assembly from members of the Head Boy, Head Girl Team looking at the ‘My Voice Matters’ theme, at celebrities who have used their voice for good and how they can do the same. KS3 students have watched a short...

Shabbat Walk Volunteer of the Month

Shabbat Walk Volunteer of the Month

Congratulations to Year 8 student Shimon Moore, who has been chosen as one of @Shabbat Walk’s volunteers of the month. Shabbat Walk is an organisation which pairs up volunteers to assist members of the community who need help navigating difficult circumstances. Volunteers give children undivided attention, fun, and homework help and also visit the elderly. ...