Author: Esther Bharier (Esther Bharier)

Home / Esther Bharier
Volunteering In the Community

Volunteering In the Community

JFS student, Katie in Year 10, has been busy with a very worthy endeavour together with her older sister Deborah, a JFS Alumna. Last week, in the Jewish Weekly article entitled, ‘Sisters Behind A Monthly Lockdown Initiative’, it describes how they have made nearly 2,000 food packages and continue to do so for those in...

Telescope Adventure in Hawaii

Telescope Adventure in Hawaii

Mr Davey’s Year 10 GCSE Astronomy class recently had the opportunity to use a professional robotic telescope based in Hawaii. This multi-million-pound resource is provided for schools to use free-of-charge thanks to the Faulkes Telescope Project and the class were able to control the Telescope, in real-time, to collect images for their core practical work....

Students Meet Professor Jonathan Haskel CBE

Students Meet Professor Jonathan Haskel CBE

JFS Sixth Form students recently had the pleasure of listening to a talk by Economist Jonathan Haskel CBE. A professor of economics at Imperial College London and a member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, Haskel discussed the role of the central bank and the state of the British economy amidst the pandemic....

Joint JFS – Yavneh Learning Programme

Joint JFS – Yavneh Learning Programme

Students from JFS School and Yavneh College have embarked on a joint learning programme in their JS lessons, in memory of Rabbi Lord Sacks zt’l. A booklet was produced covering a selection of Rabbi Lord Sacks’ thoughts and teachings coupled with the tractate Pirkei Avot – Ethics of our fathers. At the end of the...

Wellbeing Week

Wellbeing Week

As another year’s Wellbeing Week came to an end, we just wanted to acknowledge the success of the week. We were overjoyed to see the student turnout to each year group event. Whether it was to watch ‘Inside out’ the movie or to hear personal stories from speakers about their mental health journeys and positive...

En Route to Mercury

En Route to Mercury

Last night Mr Davey’s Year 10 GCSE Astronomy class attended a Zoom lecture at Imperial College from Dr Suzanne Imber, associate professor in Space Physics. In her fascinating talk, she explained some of the astrophysics relating to the planet Mercury. She is Co-Investigator on the X-Ray spectrometer on board the joint ESA/JAXA BepiColombo spacecraft that...

Excitement Over Kabbalat Shabbat!

Excitement Over Kabbalat Shabbat!

This week in preparation for Chanukah we have been busy getting ready for our Virtual Shabbat Chanukah Shabbaton. The students have been eagerly practicing their songs for our special JFS slot in the United Synagogue’s Kabbalat Shabbat programme.