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Colourful Additions for Wellbeing Department

Colourful Additions for Wellbeing Department

On behalf of the Wellbeing Team, we would like to say a huge thank you to the JFSPA for generously donating 10 new chairs to their department. Our counselling rooms look brighter, more welcoming and far cosier with these new colourful additions. Shiri Kraus, Head of our JFSPA commented, “We’re thrilled to have contributed comfortable...

Graduating Class of 2023

Graduating Class of 2023

Family members, staff, alumni and friends of JFS came to celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2023 Graduates of JFS School after a long break since Covid. Our President, The Lord Levy, introduced our guest speaker, Mr Wes Streeting MP – Shadow Secretary of State for Health & Social Care, who gave over some...

Chief Rabbi Joins JFS Minyan

Chief Rabbi Joins JFS Minyan

Chief Rabbi, Sir Ephraim Mirvis, joined our student led Minyan on Thursday morning for Shacharit, complete with a beautiful musical Hallel. The Chief Rabbi met with the students who regularly attend the Minyan, and then stayed on to see the JFS Bet Midrash in action. JBM students have been learning a variety of topics, including...

Doughnuts for the LAS

Doughnuts for the LAS

As part of the Year 9 JFS Iyun track learning of Chanukah, the charity GIFT ran a doughnut making session for two of our classes. Not only did the students do a fantastic job in the kitchen (Conference Centre!) but we then walked all together to our local London Ambulance station (across the road) to...

JFS Students Share Light in Dark Times

JFS Students Share Light in Dark Times

Chanukah was celebrated in full force this week at JFS! Each year group had special assemblies, candle lightings, activities and Chanukah themed tasty treats. Students were encouraged to share light in dark times and to be proud of their Jewish identity. Every morning our student led Minyan held the full Shacharit service complete with musical...

Politics Students’ Lib Dem Guests

Politics Students’ Lib Dem Guests

This week, the Sixth Form Study Room gave way to Sir Ed Davey MP, leader of the Lib Dems and Layla Moran MP, Lib Dem spokesperson for foreign affairs who came and addressed our Sixth form Politics students. After a brief introduction about their route into Politics, both MPs came under rapid questioning from our...

Embodying True Sportsmanship

Embodying True Sportsmanship

In our much-anticipated debut fixture against QPCS, the Year 7 Basketball team showcased unwavering determination and passion on the court, despite facing a challenging loss. The team displayed remarkable resilience and refused to back down until the final whistle, embodying true sportsmanship. Ollie emerged as our standout performer, demonstrating exceptional skill and contributing as the...

JFS Foodbank Support

JFS Foodbank Support

This week our students helped Food Bank Aid to collect vital supplies for food banks in North London. Donations of cereal, tinned goods, toiletries, cooking oil, tea, coffee and more will make a vital difference to the over 16,000 individuals (including 5,200 children) who will be relying on this support over the winter. Well done...

Y12 Life-Changing Trip to Poland

Y12 Life-Changing Trip to Poland

Last week Y12 students, together with JFS, JROOTS, Chazak and Aish staff, participated in a life-changing and meaningful week of experiences covering a myriad of emotions; bringing with it a profound understanding of their Judaism and identity as Jews. On their last day of the trip, students visited Auschwitz-Birkenau where they placed images of the...

£1000 raised for MDA

£1000 raised for MDA

This week the Head Girl and Head Boy team arranged a teacher football match raising money for Magen David Adom. They raised over £1000 for this cause, which is vital at this moment in time. There was an amazing sense of atmosphere and unity and a great way to end their role on the Head...