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Years 8-10 Netball Trip

Years 8-10 Netball Trip

Mr Trivedi, Mr Hampson and Miss Rigby took the Year 8, 9 and 10 Netball Teams to the Copper Box Arena to see a Netball Super League match between the ‘London Pulse’ and ‘Manchester Thunder’. The girls had a great time roaming around Westfield and the Olympic Park before enjoying a competitive match between both...

LTA School Championships

LTA School Championships

The Year 9 Boys Tennis Team travelled to Gunnersbury for their first round LTA School Championships. They put on an excellent display with each player winning their singles game to love respectively and following it up with dominant displays in the doubles. Well done chaps. Time for Pinner Hill to battle against a dominant JFS...

Lag B’Omer Celebrations

Lag B’Omer Celebrations

For our Lag B’Omer celebrations this year, select KS3 classes had a dedicated lesson and made cupcake bonfires. The Lower School Lunch and Learn group had a special pizza lunch and our Minyan regulars are looking forward to a post-Lag B’Omer trip next week. The Sixth Form Lunch and Learn group enjoyed watching and discussing...

Tea at The House of Lords

Tea at The House of Lords

This week, the former Head Boy Head Girl team was privileged to have tea at the House of Lords with JFS President, Lord Levy. I really enjoyed this experience, as did the whole team. We were given the unique opportunity of touring the Lords, graciously enhanced by the anecdotal tales of Lord Levy.  Then we...

Year 10 Students Run for Ukraine

Year 10 Students Run for Ukraine

In March we reported that Year 10 student, Freddie Silver, together with two of his good friends, Jacob Leon and Charlie Rosenberg also in Year 10, had decided to do a charity run for Ukraine and signed up to British – Ukraine Aid. They have now completed their Half Marathon in approximately 1 hour and...

New Norwegian Friends

New Norwegian Friends

Six students from Norway visited London to experience Jewish communities and Jewish life outside of Norway. As part of their experience abroad, they came to visit JFS and met with our Head Boy Head Girl Team. An interesting cultural exchange conversation ensued and special connections made.

Year 13 last Day Celebrations

Year 13 last Day Celebrations

This week we said our formal goodbye to our brilliant Year 13 cohort. Throughout the course of the day, they had the opportunity to celebrate with each other, their teachers and form tutors, reminiscing about the last seven years. After their final assembly, there was a barbeque, sunshine and an opportunity to take photos and...

Yom Ha’atzmaut Events

Yom Ha’atzmaut Events

On Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, JiEP ran a festive Hallel, an Israel party for each year group, as well as an exuberant, lunchtime dance party! We thank UJIA, JNF, Bnei Akiva UK, Chazak, and Tribe for their partnership in these events and helping to enhance our programming.

Yom Hazikaron Events

Yom Hazikaron Events

In commemoration of Yom HaZikaron, the Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers of the wars of Israel and victims of actions of terrorism, every student in school had a Tekes (ceremony). 200 students participated in a run in collaboration with WZO where each student ran in the memory of a fallen soldier. We thank UJIA,...