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Duke Of Edinburgh Gold Award Winners

Duke Of Edinburgh Gold Award Winners

James Onona and Benjy Moss both took a couple of hours out of their A Level revision to visit Buckingham Palace and meet Princess Beatrice in recognition of completing their D of E Gold award. In order to achieve this they had to complete expeditions, learn new skills, do physical activities and most importantly, volunteer...

Sweet Surprise

Sweet Surprise

Year 11 students on the way out of school after a tough English Literature GCSE exam were happily surprised to be treated to an ice cream party with lots of ice cream and many toppings! One student commented, “ It was a really difficult exam so it was really nice to end the day with...

Understanding Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Understanding Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Understanding Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing A conversation with Jonny Benjamin and his father Michael   Last week we held the first in our series of events for parents. We were delighted to welcome Jonny Benjamin MBE and his father Michael to come and talk very openly about their experiences with Mental Health. The evening...

Farewell To Year 13

Farewell To Year 13

The last couple of weeks have been a time of reflection, celebrations and saying goodbyes. Alongside Yom Ha Zikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut, we also said our farewell to Year 11 (see last week’s newsletter) finally to Year 13. For Year 13, it is the culmination of seven years of secondary school and the rhythm of...

Year 11 Leavers’ Party

Year 11 Leavers’ Party

Blue and white was certainly the theme of the day on Yom Ha’atzmaut as Year 11 students, clad in their special blue and white sweatshirts, enjoyed a special breakfast in the Main Hall proudly joined by their parents and tutors. Yes it is true that the Spurs blue and white flag also made an appearance...

Lucy Does It Again!

Lucy Does It Again!

Year 7 student, Lucy Tibber, is in the news again! This month she competed in county qualifiers and was awarded Gold for Beam, Gold for Bar and a Silver medal for floor. She is now through to the Regional Finals which take place in a month in Ipswich. Amazing achievement Lucy!

Year 8 Girls Football

Year 8 Girls Football

This week the Year 8 Girls Football team competed in the Semi-finals and Finals of Brent Girls Football at the Capital City Academy. The semi-final was against CJMLC School. The game was uneventful and the final score was 0-0. This led the game into three minutes of extra time with, once again, no goals scored...

Visibility For Disability Week

Visibility For Disability Week

Following the success of ‘Visibility for Disability’ last year, JFS has hosted another full week of events focussed on promoting disability awareness and inclusion. The week was dedicated to Hellen Keller (Born in Alabama in 1880, a childhood illness left her both deaf and blind by the age of two. Despite this, she went on...

The Great JFS Hametz Hunt

The Great JFS Hametz Hunt

In the lead up to Pesach, JFS is launching ‘The Great JFS Hametz Hunt!’ Your Mission: To find one or more of the TEN Hametz characters around the school and bring it to your JS teacher / member of the JS department / JiEP. Each character found will win you a prize, ranging from achievement...