Author: Esther Bharier (Esther Bharier)

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Outstanding Year 11 JFS Netballers

Outstanding Year 11 JFS Netballers

The Year 11 JFS Netball Team played outstandingly and to a high level for their last netball game at JFS. They beat King Solomon Year 10 and 11 teams, Yavneh Year 10 team and narrowly missed out on beating the Year 10 JFS team. They have been such a strong team throughout their time at...

Year 10 Netballers Undefeated!

Year 10 Netballers Undefeated!

The Year 10 JFS Netball Team were undefeated at the Maccabi Netball Tournament recently, even beating Year 11 teams from King Solomon School as well as the JFS Year 11 team.  They had to play four games in a row with little rest time, displaying their excellent fitness levels as their performance never declined. Winning...

Year 7 Netballers at the London Youth Games

Year 7 Netballers at the London Youth Games

The Year 7 JFS Netball team recently won the Brent League and got to represent the borough in the Netball London Youth Games. The girls played with determination and were not put off by the strong opposition and represented the school well! They played some fantastic netball, drawing two games and losing one in the...

Informal Life is Thriving at JFS!

Informal Life is Thriving at JFS!

Our incredible Shinshinim and Banot Sherut have been busy in recent days! Last week saw ‘Peace Week’ classroom activities and assemblies for all ages, celebrating Israel’s recent hard won efforts at peace and focussing on all the positive things which can unite us. Years 7 and 8 had the continuation of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah programme,...

English Language Conference

English Language Conference

English Language Conference Year 12 English students, myself included, visited the EMC English Language Conference this week as part of their curriculum. They listened to five incredible speakers who discussed their various fields of work in relation to English Language. This began with the Assistant Professor of Stylistics at Nottingham University, Jessica Norledge, diving into...

Sophie’s Marathon in Jerusalem

Sophie’s Marathon in Jerusalem

This past weekend I had the pleasure of running in the Jerusalem Marathon for ‘Team Shalva’. Shalva has been providing transformative care to individuals with disabilities and their family members in the warmest and most loving environment for over 30 years. The whole experience was something I am incredibly grateful to have witnessed. #teamshalva –...

Ivor Perl and Lily Ebert Inspire Year 10

Ivor Perl and Lily Ebert Inspire Year 10

Our Year 10 cohort were privileged to hear from Ivor Perl and Lily Ebert, two Holocaust survivors, who spoke about their experiences in Auschwitz and their lives after liberation. They told the students to, “Never give up!” and to, “Value their education.” Their message to, “Love more than hate” was incredibly powerful.

Welcoming Alumnus to JFS Science Week

Welcoming Alumnus to JFS Science Week

Last week was the JFS Science Week for 2023. This is where our Y13 Science students team up together to produce a series of demonstration and lectures for the school at lunch. As ever the results were exciting and enjoyable culminating in a Science Quiz on the Friday. The Year 11 team was able to...

Hannah Showcases Misraelformation

Hannah Showcases Misraelformation

Year 10 students were treated to a presentation by one of their peers – Hannah Pillemer. Hannah ran an assembly, in conjunction with the organisation Stand With Us, after entering a competition to design a new ‘Start Up’. Hannah explained her idea with the year group, showcasing her ‘Misraelformation’ site which aims to tackle anti-Semitism...