Author: Esther Bharier (Esther Bharier)

Home / Esther Bharier
Year 7 Star Readers

Year 7 Star Readers

Reading is an essential part of every student’s life and at JFS we are focused on their academic journey. Therefore, the English Department would like to give a HUGE JFS congratulations to the following Year 7 students: Dvorah, Eyal, Annie, Milo, Natasha, Eva, Olivia, Josh B (not pictured) and Lisa for their outstanding effort made...

Mazal Tov!

Mazal Tov!

This morning in our JFS Shul Year 8 student, Dan Olsburgh, put Tefillin on for the first time. We had a lovely Shacharit davening with his friends, and his family joined us via zoom. It was a very special morning followed by a delicious breakfast provided by Dan’s parents. We would like to take this...

Dynamic Barmitzvah Boys

Dynamic Barmitzvah Boys

Three Year 8 students, Daniel Oliver Levy, Joshua Marcus and Noah Graham, together with six other former Kerem School alumni, marked their upcoming Bar Mitzvahs in an alternative manner, due to current social restrictions. They managed to use this milestone as an opportunity to think of others by cycling for over two hours completing a...

JiEP Lunch & Learn Launch

JiEP Lunch & Learn Launch

This week JiEP launched their Lunch & Learn programme for Year 7. We had a record attendance and students were introduced to the lunch time programmes on offer to them. They also had a fun and interactive session learning about the Parasha of the week and about Yom Kippur.



Some parents may remember that two years ago the MFL department raised just over £560 through the parent body to send old French text books to Africa. Books 2 Africa is a UK charity that collects and sends donated books to increase the quality of education in Africa by helping individuals and communities to access,...

Sweet New Year Wishes From JiEP

Sweet New Year Wishes From JiEP

This week the JiEP department were very busy. We visited every year group during their Jewish Studies lessons, to wish them a Shanah Tova – a happy and healthy new year. We gave each student a pot of honey and an apple Laffy Taffy to enjoy. We also spent time running the Year 7 JiEP...

Rosh Hashanah Card Competition

Rosh Hashanah Card Competition

We are delighted to announce the results of our Year 7 Rosh Hashanah Card Competition this year.  14 students submitted beautiful artwork, making it very difficult to judge. The winner is Eleanor Cambridge and the Runners Up are Dvorah Ben-Menachem and Ava Hill. Eleanor’s card was printed as the official JFS Rosh Hashanah card and...

Golf Champion

Golf Champion

Year 9 student Joshua Newman recently qualified for the finals of the Junior Golf Championship at South Herts Golf Club and won! Previously he achieved the runner up position in 2018. He was presented with the trophy last week by the Head Professional at South Herts, Michael Cutmore. Joshua currently plays off an 18 Handicap...

A Cut Above

A Cut Above

Over the summer holidays Year 12 student Amelia Reeves, who allowed her hair to grow very long over the lockdown period, decided to have 12 inches cut off it to donate to ‘The Little Princess Charity’. This is a charity that uses the donated hair to make a wig for children with cancer. She also...

Cycling Ambitions

Cycling Ambitions

Jonah and Rafi Marks in Years 10 and 8 spent time in the summer taking part in various cycling events with their father. Jonah has recently started taking part in cycling Time Trials, as the most socially-distanced racing possible. He took part in his cycling club’s 10mile/16km TT and finished it in 27:53, only 10...