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Sukkot Celebrations at JFS

Sukkot Celebrations at JFS

With the long Chol Hamoed week at school this year, students from all year groups enjoyed a special breakfast in the JFS Sukkah today having participated in a week of exciting fun activities, in the Sukkah, with music, lunch and snacks. Chag sameach everyone!

Ryan Completes 100K for GOSH

Ryan Completes 100K for GOSH

Year 11 student, Ryan Newgrosh, has just completed the 100K in the September running challenge for Great Ormond Street raising over £1200. Ryan undertook this entirely of his own volition despite not being a runner before signing up to this event. In addition, during the month leading up, he could only run for 10 days...

Student Life Advice

Student Life Advice

Students in Year 13 heard from students from Russel group University Exeter, about student life and factors to consider when making decisions about university choices. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and certainly made the most of this!

Convincing Netball Victory

Convincing Netball Victory

In an impressive display of skill and teamwork, Mrs. Hampson’s Year 10 girls’ netball team secured a convincing victory over Claremont with a score of 9-4 and lots of standout performances. The girls showcased their prowess on the court, exhibiting fantastic coordination and strategy throughout. Building on their momentum, they went on to face Ark,...

Off to a Roaring Start!

Off to a Roaring Start!

Jewish life at JFS is off to a roaring start! We have welcomed in the new year with bumper attendance at the daily Shacharit Minyan (every day from 7.45 am in the Shul) where students of all ages enjoy davenning together. The Minyan is entirely student led, with opportunities available to help organise services, lead...

Rio in the Spotlight

Rio in the Spotlight

This summer, Rio attended The European Amputee Football Federation (EAFF) Junior Camp in Warsaw along with 14 other England Amputee Football Association (EAFA) Juniors. He joined 55 fellow amputee footballers aged 5-16 from nine other countries. The event comprised of the Opening Ceremony, twice-daily training sessions at Legia, Warsaw’s training ground, a swimming session and...

Alan Senitt Stand Up Leaders Award

Alan Senitt Stand Up Leaders Award

JFS Year 10 students graduated from the Alan Senitt ‘Stand Up Leaders Award’ at Maccabi UK offices. JFS along with seven other schools across North London celebrated the completion of a year of work and showed how they have grown through the course. The Project, run and created by the students, was a supervised playgroup...

JFS Boys Cricket Team Reaches the Final

JFS Boys Cricket Team Reaches the Final

The JFS Cricket Team travelled to Alperton School for the Semi-Final of the District Cricket, keen to make it through to the final. The boys put on a magnificent display against a really strong side. It came right down to the wire, with JFS getting the vital runs to win, with only three balls left...

ATOL Kindness Programme

ATOL Kindness Programme

Year 9 were treated to a wonderful ‘Kindness Programme’ put on by the Jewish Studies Department as part of the ATOL (a taste of London) project. In conjunction with a range of Jewish charities including Jewish Care, Kisharon, GIFT, Project Impact, Friendship Circle and Jewish Blind and Disabled, students were given an opportunity to learn...

Record-breaking Performances

Record-breaking Performances

JFS students showcased exceptional talent and achieved outstanding results throughout the our two Sports Days. Record-breaking performances, personal bests, and astonishing displays of skill were witnessed in various events. One of the most inspiring aspects of our Sports Days was the remarkable sportsmanship displayed by the students. Regardless of winning or losing, the students cheered...