
Dear Parents,

When I was a school pupil, and I am guessing that it was the same for many of you, wellbeing was seldom spoken of and mental health was a private family matter, if that. I am so grateful that the world has moved forward and that we thankfully live in a time where wellbeing is not only mentioned, it is in fact prioritised.

This past week has been dedicated to wellbeing at the school with many events/sessions taking place for each year group and for staff. A screening of the movie Inside Out for Year 8, a Yoga session for Year 9, talks to the Sixth Form from Jonny Benjamin (author of The Stranger on the Bridge) and from Michelle Leigh (founder of The Oli Leigh Trust) to name just a few.

A week like this highlights the premium placed on mental health and wellbeing – but it would not be enough if we were to only hold events during a dedicated week. The school runs a very comprehensive Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic (PSHCE) programme throughout the year and where wellbeing is extremely prominent.

The Talmud (Sanhedrin 17B) teaches that when picking a community to live in, one should check that it has the following, “a court of law to keep justice, a charity fund, a synagogue, a bath house, a bathroom; a doctor, a craftsperson; a butcher and a teacher of children.” These things require the members of a community to support their existence and to be involved in their success. According to the Talmud then, there is a direct correlation between one’s wellbeing and the amount of time and energy one puts into ‘giving back’ to the community. The idea of the school motto, Orah Viykar is to bring light and honour to oneself and to all others – the basis of positive wellbeing.

Shabbat Shalom

Daniel Marcus
Deputy Headteacher, Jewish Life and Learning

Information For Parents

Whole School Letters and Notices

JFS Virtual Chanukah Shabbaton
My Family Chanukiah Competition
Attention JFS Class of 2020


Year 7 Information:

Y7 Head lice reminder letter
Y7 and Y8 Yoni Jesner Award Info Letter


Year 8 Information:


Year 9 Information:

Y9 Science Band Change Notification
Y9 Israel Trips

Year 10 Information:

Year 10 Virtual Parents’ Evening

Year 11 Information:

Letter to Current Y11 Parents

Year 12 Information:

Y12 Heritage Trip to Poland

Year 13 Information:




– The school administration staff are currently working from home.  There may be a delay in answering the telephone but please be assured that your calls will be answered as quickly as possible.
– Any issues with buses should be addressed directly to the bus company concerned as JFS does not run the buses. If you are emailing the bus company then please copy in 

JiEP Notices

Parasha Sheet

Mitzvah week Highlights

School Diary Information

Up-to-date School Diary information as well as upcoming events.

(This section is still under construction and will be updated shortly)

If you would like to sponsor a prize or award please click the button below to view the list of options or contact Mrs Esther Bharier
Email: or Tel: 020 8206 3169

School Diary

Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you to all those parents that have kindly sponsored some prizes already, we very much appreciate your support.

If you would like to sponsor a prize or award please click the button below to view the list of options or contact Mrs Esther Bharier
Email: or Tel: 020 8206 3169

Prize Donations