Parent eNEWS 22/01/21
Dear Parents/Carers
This coming week marks two important dates in the communal and international calendars: Mental Health Awareness Shabbat (MHAS) and Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD).
This coming Shabbat, Parashat Bo, tells the story of the last three plagues, including the Plague of Darkness, which has resonance with mental health. This year’s theme is “The Impact of the Pandemic”. Living through the ongoing pandemic has affected all our mental health, and this special Shabbat is an opportunity for the entire community to focus on and raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing. As a school we will be holding various events to support students and families, further details of which can be found in the newsletter. We are here for you – if you need support or know of someone who does, please reach out.
The theme for HMD is “Light in the Darkness”. We will be holding a special series of assemblies on Wednesday for all year groups. In addition to our own events we are partnering with JRoots and Jewish Futures. As with every year, this is a special event. Even with the distance of lockdown, we will come together, virtually, to reflect on this important day.
One cannot help but be moved by the induction of any new President – the sense of history, the ritual, the pomp and ceremony. Yet, like many, watching on an otherwise gloomy Wednesday, I was struck by the majesty of the closing words of Amanda Gorman, the American poet laureate. Those words draw together the two themes of MHAS and HMD. The words resonate and serve as a rallying cry not just for America but for all humanity: “There is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it”.
May the week ahead be one of light and bravery.
Shabbat shalom
Simon Appleman
Deputy Headteacher
Information For Parents
Whole School Letters and Notices
Year 7 Information:
Year 8 Information:
Year 9 Information:
Year 10 Information:
Year 11 Information:
Year 12 Information:
Year 13 Information:
JiEP Notices
School Diary Information
Up-to-date School Diary information as well as upcoming events.
(This section is still under construction and will be updated shortly)
If you would like to sponsor a prize or award please click the button below to view the list of options or contact Mrs Esther Bharier
Email: or Tel: 020 8206 3169
Sponsorship Opportunities
Thank you to all those parents that have kindly sponsored some prizes already, we very much appreciate your support.
If you would like to sponsor a prize or award please click the button below to view the list of options or contact Mrs Esther Bharier
Email: or Tel: 020 8206 3169